Nooron Software and knowledge evolving to meet human needs.
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What other, concrete, features will it have by version 1.0.0?
See The Nooron Pattern Language for the whole conceptual tour, but you asked for a concrete answer.
  • A pervasive collaborative filtering system (based on user-contributable criteria and evaluations) will provide the advantages of both peer review and evolutionary pressure on all contents of Nooron: knowledge, logic and presentation. Criteria and evaluations are a simple model which encompasses a broad range of meatspace phenomena, including: opinion polling, voting, petitioning, recommending, peer review and application of selection pressure.
  • It will always be possible for the user to specify whose evaluations to heed and how to summarize and weight multiple evaluations. Always possible for the user to be specific about heeding particular evaluators in particular knowledge-based contexts.
  • Automatically generated data management forms (all knowledge driven, of course) will mean that the creators of new Nooron Apps won't have to worry about creating add and edit screens, just new ontologies. Of course, they will also be able to create custom add and edit screens if the needs of the app are so specific. Likewise, it might be that all they will prefer to merely create a custom widget for some slot and let it be automatically used by the form generation facilities, and inherited by subclasses.
  • Nooron will be both Fully Automatic) and Fully Adjustable) because it will, throughout, be sensitive to settings which will be guided by worldviews or specific criteria if not explicitly overridden by user preferences.
  • A novel identity and preference system called Not So Basic Authentication will permit users to log onto any Nooron server without ever having to register, just by entering, instead of a userid, the URL of a knowledgebase containing pertinent identity information and preferences. [This is equivalent to issuing a capability to a user's publicly knowable information.]
  • Nooron apps' constituents (ontologies, wardrobes, garments, data) and criteria, worldviews, reviewboards, etc will be able to propagate among Nooron servers in realtime. This can be seen as the automation (or elimination) of the typical software distribution cycle.
  • Rich visualization of numerical slot values as well as people's opinions (their evaluations according to criteria) will be pervasive. Again, all aspects of Nooron are knowledge, so the features which work on Nooron's contents will just as readily work on most of Nooron itself. Example visualizations include: Scattercharts of frames with evaluations driving x, y and node attributes.
  • World views
  • versioning
  • security/authorization system (via capabilities?)
  • Access to 'legacy data' will be provided via PyOKBC backends for: generic PostgreSQL databases, PyOKBC-specific PostgreSQL, generic MySQL databases, remote knowledge-bases, generic python object systems (ala clos-kb in okbc-lisp) and any other PyOKBC (or OKBC) backends the community creates.
  • There will definitely be Nooron Apps for 'Project Management', 'Scenario Planning' and 'Bug Tracking' because Nooron development will itself require them.

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